<p>The Healiant Wound Hero program is awesome! The wound care content is very comprehensive, user-friendly and engaging. The information is relevant to everyone in the healthcare space including clinicians, HME’s, sales staff, customer service and intake personnel. It is easy to consume in bite size snip-its and the quizzes test your knowledge to ensure you are able to apply critical concepts and skills. I recommend it to anyone looking to expand their knowledge, confidence and credibility in wound care.</p>

Heather Trumm
Director of Wound Care | VGM & Associates <p>The prep course for the AWCC credential provides and deep and comprehensive dive into various aspects of wound management that are essential for proper care to improve outcomes. Rigorous and detailed information is provided on CTPs, adjunctive therapies and biophysical agents, debridement, advanced dressings and NPWT; all essential topics that an advanced wound practitioner should know and understand. Information is referenced and based upon current evidence and standards of practice. Further, the course is uniquely well rounded by addressing reimbursement considerations relevant in today's wound management environment. This is a must do course for anyone interested in advancing their wound care knowledge or for health care providers tasked with managing wounded patients.</p>

Dr. Heather Hettrick
CWS, CLT, CLWT, PhD, AWCC <p>I would highly recommend taking the Advanced Wound Care Certification course. I have learned so much more about negative pressure wound therapy, biophysical/skin substitutes, debridement, advanced wound care dressings, adjunctive therapies and reimbursement. The material was very science based. Each module is extremely structured in how it is presented. As a clinician I feel I’m a life long learner in wound care due to the fast pace changes in this space. I am glad I went through the program and am now Advanced Wound Care Certified.</p>

Cindy Bailey
RN, BSN, WCC, AWCC <p>It would have been easy to let this certification expire, as I'm not currently using it and am close to retirement. However, I invested a lot of time and money in obtaining the certification initially and letting it lapse didn't feel right. I'm so appreciative of the options Healiant offers with their recertification offers and payment plans. It makes the investment feasible. Thank you for thinking "outside of the box" to make this happen for professionals that are struggling through these though times with Covid and financial hardships.</p>

Pamela B.
Registered Professional Nurse <p>I believe the AWCC is a "must have" ceritification for all wound care certified clinicians who not only want to grow in their career but also want to provide the best possible patient care. The content was comprehensive and presented in a way that was easy to understand and retain. And the five topics all tie in nicely to the overall knowledge of comprehensive wound care. I have been a wound care nurse for 10 years, and I was definitely impressed with the broad base of content presented in this training program.</p>

Anna Gable
LPN, WCC, AWCC <p>I highly recommend Healiant's wound care training program to other clinicians like myself. I love it! The content is informative and I learned new material that helped me build in-depth knowledge. It is relevant to my job and it will enhance my performance as well as help raise the standard of wound care.</p>

Angel M.
Registered Nurse <p>This course is truly state-of-the-art and well-planned. Students will leave with the satisfaction of not only learning new topics but with a conceptual understanding that will provide them with the clinical knowledge above and beyond what other wound care clinicians have with the ability to immediately apply what they’ve been taught in their practice. The course is engaging, interactive and is based on conceptualization, not memorization. Just when you think you know pretty much all there is to know about wound care, the AWCC prep course shows the student how much more there is to learn and makes it enjoyable. Clinicians will certainly benefit from this educational program and patients will have better outcomes. This program is loaded with the most current, relevant, research-backed information provided by top subject matter experts in the wound care industry.</p>

Hali McCravy
BSN, RN, CLWCP, WCC, DWC, OMS and AWCC <p>Healiant's Advanced Wound Care Concepts course is needed for experienced wound care providers. It goes above and beyond the basics to offer an advanced training option to clinicians that have been treating wounds for years.</p>

Christopher J.
ARNP <p>Healiant's wound care training course is excellent! It advanced my wound care nursing skills. I have been able to immediately apply everything I learned to improve patient care at the bedside. I highly recommend this program to all wound care clinicians.</p>