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Healiant is proud to bring you some of the industry’s top KOLs who are excited to deliver a full schedule of webinars, designed exclusively for the wound care product community.

Learn more and register below.

Upcoming Webinars

Healiant presents our e-Live Webinar Series for Wound Care Companies and Executives. Learn from the top subject matter experts who will share actionable material on the most relevant topics of the day, including:

  • How to survive and thrive as a wound care company during and after COVID-19
  • How to prepare your organization for virtual conferences
  • How to shift to a hybrid sales model of direct and virtual commercial assets
  • How to elevate your commercial team’s knowledge of wound care so they can add more value to their customers now and in the future
  • How to engage and educate your customers in times of crisis
  • How to understand how your customers are being impacted by PDPM and PDGM and a whole lot more.

Learn from the industry’s top subject matter experts from the safety and comfort of your home.

Healiant connects, engages, educates, and empowers wound care organizations with the knowledge and resources to drive sales and improve patient outcomes.

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Healiant educates and empowers wound care organizations with the knowledge and resources to drive sales and improve patient outcomes.

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